#CritLit2010 | Moebius connectivity

On the story that came from a book ( a university student  once lend to me)  called “Subway Named Moebius,by A.J. Deutsch ”  I found an interesting relationship on the bases on connectivity (S. Downes):

“The principles of connectivity state that as a system makes more connections to other parts of itself, the connectivity of that system increases in an exponential fashion to staggering levels.(1)”

Moebius strip by warwick

The story was about “the subway under Boston had been growing in complexity for years. It was so complex, in fact, that the best mathematicians could not calculate its connectivity” (*). It was like the phenomena I lived on  connectivism on CritLit2010. There was a subway “CritLit2010 Course” that let me to connect to many topics, contents and people that I could not imagine. And this experience, which is moving, is expanding  any time that I find a new connection.

Since I took part on the course, I experienced inter connectivism from different levels. I called this entry Moebius connectivity because of the similar effect of the experience on learning on  #CriticLit2010.That is because I passed from the inner  to the outside space. I connected from the private to the public place. I took part on the conversation that was on the multi dimension PLE.

I knew about the course  at a Conference Stephen Downes gave on May at Fundación Telefónica in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Alejandro Piscitelli who introduced Stephen Downes and commented about CritLit.  I realized that it was the opportunity to learn about connectivism. Then, I listen from him at his conference at Book Fair at BA.

Connectivity began when I knew about the CritLit2010 course at the conference and follow when, by change, I met Professor “Jorge Crom” who took part on a previous course CCK08 and encouraged me saying: “It was something interesting that you should experience”.

After submitting on the Moodle Course, I could see that connectivity experience was more off the platform than on it. In other words,there was two ways: a lineal or synchronic  mode  (on Moodle and   WordPress, Diigo, The Daily,etc.) and a  non linear or asyncronic mode (with Twitter, Facebook, etc.). So I had to manage the information to not to infoxicate (Alfons Cornella).
I had a summary it on my post “Managing connectivity”.

The experience of CritLit 2010 was interesting . I had  to use my technical skills and  to keep in conversation through different platforms. This is crucial to follow the move.

I think, there were different connectivity modes:

  • CONNECTIVITY from a lineal discourse respecting the causality principles and relationships due to the connectivism. For example, the one established on Moodle Platform;
  • CONNECTIVITY from a non lineal discourse. As participant  of the course I felt connected among the objects on the web, sharing  meanings. The interchange me had, went far than the concrete meanings we gave on what we wrote and said. It includes infinite social and technology semiotics.

On both groups we can find social interaction and collaborative work.

On the first group, we follow an order and structure. On the contrary, the interactions on the second group are aleatory and chaotic. They are established by the user itself and the possibility that provides folksonomy knowledge.

Moebius effect is on the constant movement from the inner to the outside place.It develops on different levels, especially on Connectivist Learning and Teaching (Stephen Downes):

  • Public and private are mixed
  • Self and common is a mashed up
  • Subjectivity and objectivity depend on the point of view
  • Map and territory are disolved: references changes
  • Author y lecturer: mixed to a prosumer and collective production

In my opinion, Connectivity on CritLit2010 was the opportunity to learn to apply the Critical Literacy on distributed conversations that took part on the Personal Learning Environments.  I learned about Stephen Downes ´s Connectivist Principles:

  • relevance: what it was relevant to me. I found interesting to follow The Daily, Stephens Downes halfanour, Moodle Contents and the Literacy provided. Also the posts from my colleagues blogs. I could not follow most of the course blogs -in fact I had to look for them with Google Alerts- but I choose some : Heli Nurmi,Steve Mackenzie, John Mak, Ruth Howard, Ulop O’Taat, George Siemens, Jenny Mackness, Dolors Capdet, Abdrahamane Traore,Claudia Guerrero , John King)
  • interaction: the capacity to communicate with other people interested in the same topic or using the same on line resource. Human content + Human contact. I builded my own interaction on the distributed network (Moodle, wordpress, twitter,facebook, group on delicious, I tried Connectivism social net by John Mak,  etc…)
  • usability: was a challenge to find consistency (clarify the principles, organizing my knowledge and summarized it) and simplicity ( to know how it works). After a while, I catched it since I opened my blog and began connected! I use RSS, hashtags, Google readers, Google Alerts, etc.

I found interesting the post from Ruth Howard who developed the meaning of “MEME” on his entry called: Is Critical Thinking a meme to counter memes? .In my opinion this relevant because it is what seems to remain on the course. It is any time you reflect about authors contents, do to find and establish relationships with people and collaborate to share meanings.New meanings emerge from the symbolic environment and we are the agents to connect it.

In the end, I think that PLE of CritLit2010  experience ( as immersive way to introduce myself and being one of the people characteristic of the community) is not complete at all. It can´t be concluded because it could be only in an actualization process, as a virtual experience.  That is why the topic of my post is called Moebius connectivity.

Moebius connectivity seems to be related to serendipity but,this is a topic for another post.

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12 Responses to #CritLit2010 | Moebius connectivity

  1. Ruth Howard says:

    Hi Maria (got your ping!).
    I enjoyed your Moebius visual especially, I read it as ’emergent’ connections constantly reconfigured in a rhythmic pattern hidden from conscious view- the possibilities of intelligent data promised by the eXtended Web (Web X).
    In Kate Ray’s Vimeo doc Web 3.0 http://vimeo.com/11529540 a provocateur of the less formal Semantic Web states “a little structure goes a long way”. He gives credence to our innate intelligence and here your Moebius points to an underlying intelligence. As I believe do Connectivist courses.

    It’s true in my mind that these courses are a ‘process’ morphing into something new for myself atleast wherever I go from here…especially as others feedback continues its loop and this point in itself contrasts those made recently by Al Cooper in his post “Assessing Learning in CritLit2010”. I appreciate your ‘reasons’!

    And yes it’s been fun to play with semiotics and discover for myself new meaning, very cool that it resonates also for you.

    • maferarenas says:


      Thank you very much for your comments. I found very interesting the video of the semantic web regarding to he problem, the vision, the critic and the schisms. I agree with you that others feedback continues its loop ( I am included on the loop!) and that is what is a result of connectivism. We have learned something!
      When Abraham Bernstein said “a little structure goes a long way if you combine it with, for example, a human being that has a lot of intelligence between his or her ears ” I understood that we have the intelligence to make developments on semantic web to a more challenging opportunity for the society. Indeed, in the way we (all society) could participate on the process it could be a more intelligent opportunity to take from it the best.

    • maferarenas says:

      Thank you!

  2. Ruth Howard says:

    Hi Maria the quote above “a little structure goes a long way” is by Professor Abraham Bernstein, University Zurich.

  3. Heli Nurmi says:

    Hi Maria Fernanda,
    I enjoyed reading your post. I looked to slides of Stephen D and astonished at some slide contents . I have tried to have a discussion with him but I do no find the way how – he is always against something. When I say the same principles which I found in those slides, I am wrong but he is always right. I am embarrassed. This has nothing to do with you, but this came to my mind.
    Moebius seems interesting, I could not follow it at once but perhaps some day..
    You have cold winter in Argentina? I miss coldness just now..

    • Hi Heli!

      I can read from your post that you feel frustrated due to a lack of mutual understanding with Stephen Downes about the concept of “learning” and due to a difference of expectatives about the learning experience on the course.

      In my opinion, it is not a problem of “language or idiom” . It is an “ideologic debate” about fundamentals of learning experience in PLE and about connectivism.

      I do not like to say what to do. But, if I were you I think that you can tell him about your need of understanding, that you value his arguments about his understanding of learning. You can tell him that you do not intend to attack him(that is what I can understand from the readings of your posts). Then pointed him clearly the items of agreement and disagreement about Stephen´s conception of “learning”. You can clearly request him what would enrich your comprehesion of learning experience.

      I value this debate because I can really understand the problem of “learning” conception in a distributed PLE. In addition, It contributes to my comprehension of learning in “connectivism” in complex interactions. I look forward to reading more about it.

      Regarding the weather, It is very kind today in Buenos Aires. It is about 14 °C. Different from last week which was colder, it was about 1°C. I know that in Finland It must be a colder weather than the temperatures we have on winter.

      Do you know Buenos Aires? If not, you should come and visit it.
      You are welcome!

  4. Heli Nurmi says:

    Thanks for your attention and advice, I agree that everyone have to find answers oneself but it is good to hear others’ opinions. I can see myself better with mirrors.

    I am not sure about the discrepancies between me and Stephen, ideologically we are on the same side I suppose, but we speak different languages (philosophy versus psychology and education) and so misunderstandings cannot be avoided. But it is life, it is normal. Perhaps we are strong personalities both. But I stop trying easily and let it be.

    Finland has normal summer now after the hot period and I enjoy. No I haven’t been in Latin America at all, only in Europe and Nothern Africa, Marocco. But online I am traveling everywhere. I am sure I will follow your blog so please keep writing!

  5. John King says:

    Hello Maria
    Thank you for this post. Your Moebius image prompted me to think of another similar image of the Lorenz attractor.

    I think that any personal learning environment has some elements of apparent chaos. Chaos is necessary for change, therefore learning. The other thought that I think may be worth considering is that there can be a pattern of order within chaos that can become visible only after some time.

    • John, I like your phrase “personal learning environment has some elements of apparent chaos” . I think that in “Lorenz chaos ´s theory” (wonderful the image of Lorenz ´s attractor) there is an explanation for the possibility to develop new models, simulations, and expand our comprehension of complex systems as learning environments.

      The learning process has continuous changes, interruptions, periods of stability and alternation of these periods of order and chaos lead to states of creative chaos. Your comment remind me back to The Chaos Theory and The Complex Systems ´s Theory. Thank you!

  6. maferarenas says:

    Heli, In my opinion, transdisciplinary dialog can cause different interpretations in the way you had with Stephen.
    Thank you! I will keep writing!

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